The Body Hub

I’ve been an avid gym-goer for about ten years. I love almost everything about exercise. Yep, I’m one of those self-flagellating weirdos who looks forward to lugging around weights, running on treadmills and trying out the latest exercise equipment. I’ve messed around with pully machines, discussed the merits of different rowing resistance types, and even had Skierg races — first to 1000m — with my fellow gym rats. I enjoy the gym so much that I’ve ruined many a person’s night out by endlessly discussing the merits of free weights versus machine weights, high protein diets and the importance of proper deadlift form. While I’m certainly an exercise zealot, you may have noted that I did say I love almost everything about working out. There is one aspect of gym culture that I find so tedious that I often skip it entirely. That aspect is post-workout recovery.

By convincing myself that I’m in a rush, I often leave the gym instead of completing a cool-down or a stretch. As such, in my decade of gym membership, I’ve developed enough injuries to make an MMA fighter blush.

That’s why we have teamed up with The Body Hub, one of Ireland’s best fitness product and service providers, to explore recovery products that might make a stretch-adverse individual like myself passionate about recovery.

The Body Hub

The Body Hub is a team of fitness veterans who have compiled a range of products ideally suited to the casual gym-goer to the established athlete. Their products include everything you need to recover properly from intense exercise. Train more, prevent injury, and maximise performance with The Body Hub’s collection of products.


Compression Boots


When I first slipped on The Body Hub’s compression boats, I felt vaguely like I was putting on a spacesuit from the Apollo missions. These robustly built boots fit snugly over all leg sizes and stretch from the ankle to the upper thigh. This ensures that the major muscle groups of the legs, the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves, get the compression benefits. The science behind compression therapy is that blood flow is increased when pressure is placed on muscles, aiding recovery and reducing muscle soreness.
Compression boots can be purchased directly from the Body Hub’s site.

Compression Boots
Compression Boots


The Body Hub Mini Gun

Massage Gun

If you’re anything like me, it’s possible you have a few recurring niggles that can negatively affect your training. A persistent tightness in my quads has made crushing that 5k personal best harder and harder. This tightness is compounded after lifts like squats and deadlifts. The Body Hub’s massage gun has allowed me to target this tightness, helping to work out muscle knots and reduce post-exercise soreness. The Body Hub has a range of massage guns available to purchase from their online store.

Massage Guns


Ice Baths


Ice Baths are having a moment right now. Even the anointed patron saint of online exercise advice, Joe Rogan, swears by the merits of dunking yourself in icy water. Despite the sometimes over-the-top valorisation of ice baths, cold water therapy is based on firm science. Ice baths stimulate blood flow and may help improve alertness, reducing post-exercise soreness and decrease inflammation. There are also plenty of anecdotal accounts of Ice Baths positively affecting mood. For what it’s worth, after my own experience of an Ice Bath, I certainly felt a mood spike akin to a natural high. Whether that was from the actual bath or just the relief of climbing out remains to be seen. What I can say for sure is that the ice bath helped with reducing soreness in both my legs and upper body. The Body Hubs’ quality Ice Bath can be purchased through their website.

Ice Bath
Ice Baths


By using some of The Body Hub’s products, I’ve revamped my approach to recovery. Check out their full range of products online, or contact them directly to discuss their personal training services.

Address Tooreen, Fountain

V95 XE4X

Telephone Numbers 0879394501